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Second Opinion Aprovação Necessária

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Approver Name

Please Select Approver Name


Don't know your approval number? Call 800-437-1171
Enter opt 1 for the first three prompts, and have your System ID available.

If you add item(s) to cart and submit your order without
selecting an approver, GE will contact you before your order
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Visão geral do produto

"O RIC5-9-D é um transdutor de intercavidade de matriz microconvexa 4D em tempo real de banda larga. As aplicações variam dependendo do sistema de ultrassom e podem incluir Obstetrícia, Ginecologia, Transretal. As fichas técnicas de sistemas de ultrassom específicos contêm detalhes adicionais, incluindo aplicações específicas, disponibilidade de biópsia e especificações técnicas adicionais do transdutor.

O transdutor de alta qualidade foi projetado para garantir compatibilidade com uma ampla gama de sistemas GE, atendendo aos requisitos e desafios dos profissionais de saúde em diferentes cenários clínicos.

Este transdutor pode não ser compatível com todas as versões dos sistemas de ultrassom listados abaixo. Consulte o Manual do usuário do seu sistema.



LOGIQ Fortis



LOGIQ S7 Expert & Pro

Voluson Expert22

Voluson Expert20

Voluson Expert18

Voluson E6

Voluson E8

Voluson E10"

Produtos Compatíveis



The LOGIQ* E9 is a versatile general imaging system that helps meet a wide variety of general imaging needs. As healthcare evolves and ultrasound exams become more in demand, you need the ability to adapt to the changing environment with an ultrasound system that gives you flexibility, ease of use, speed and reliability.

The LOGIQ E9 can help you:

Deliver extraordinary image quality on a broad spectrum of patient body types.
Visualize blood flow without the limitations of Doppler
Enhance your workflow.
Integrate real-time ultrasound with previously acquired CT, MR, PET, or ultrasound images.
Visually track your position during a scan.



Voluson E6

Voluson E6

Voluson E8

Voluson E8

The Voluson™ E8 ultrasound system is designed to keep pace with busy practices—handling routine to complex women’s health exams with ease and precision. The premium image quality of the Voluson E8 combined with access to advanced capabilities delivers the level of performance required by you and your patients.

Achieve a new standard of color Doppler with Radiantflow—delivering easy, fast visualization of even the tiniest of vessels. Expand the range of visible blood flow to include low velocities with SlowflowHD™ to visualize blood perfusion in very small vessels. XDclear™ probe technology C2-9-D and C1-6-D help achieve exceptional tissue and detail resolution—the combination of single crystal, acoustic amplification, and cool stack technology offers extraordinary 2D imaging even with difficult-to-scan patients. Easily view irregularly shaped structures with advanced volume contrast imaging (VCI) with OmniView. Adjust slice thickness on 3D or 4D images to help enhance contrast resolution, then apply OmniView to obtain any plane from a 3D or 4D volume by simply drawing a line, curve, poly-line, or trace on anatomy.

Peças equivalentes:

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