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MX135 Venus Avatar

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Visão geral do produto

MX135 Venus Avatar

Glass-Metal-Ceramic Hybrid X-Ray Tube having high dissipation, high throughput, graphite-backed metal target tube for Brivo 315/325/385, Revolution™ ACT, Revolution™ ACTs, Optima 640 and NM850/860 systems.

Glass Metal Ceramic Hybrid Frame

Unique combination of Glass-Metal and Ceramic to form vacuum envelope to provide stability and long-life with higher HV stability over the lifetime of the tube.

Higher Throughput

• Brazed graphite target design utilizing a patented braze process provides integrity of the graphite to metal bond at temperatures more than 1300°C at the target rim.

• Unique insert and housing design facilitate high-heat radiation technology which quickly transfers generated heat at the anode to the ambient environment.

• High-heat transfer technology in conjunction with a 2.0 MHU,135 mm diameter target provides excellent throughput.

Consistent Imaging

• Metal center frame with legacy target design to achieve improved high-voltage stability for consistent techniques.

• Insert processing designed for better high voltage stability and vacuum integrity over life

Longer Tube Life

• Glass-Metal-Ceramic Hybrid insert design for best of High Voltage stability

• Innovative preloaded bearing design with heat block mechanisms and three-ball floating rear retainer permits trouble-free rotor operation.

• High-voltage surge protection designed into the tube unit provides exceptional high voltage stability. Additionally, each insert is conditioned to a minimum of

185 kV which provides stability up to the 140 kV tube rating.

• Three-piece casing design with improved sealing joints, hoses and stator feedthrough for better reliability and integrity of the internal housing environment.

Produtos Compatíveis

Brivo CT315/CT325 (LingLong) Receiver Antenna Assembly

Brivo CT315/CT325 (LingLong) Receiver Antenna Assembly

  • Brivo CT315/CT325 (LingLong) Receiver Antenna Assembly

Brivo CT385 Install Template - Tigre

Brivo CT385 Install Template - Tigre

  • Brivo CT385 Install Template - Tigre



CTe Dual

CTe Dual

NM/CT 850/860 Series

NM/CT 850/860 Series



Revolution ACT

Revolution ACT

Optima NM640

Optima NM640

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