Battery NiMH 12V 3.5Ah - Rechargeable
17014-HEL | |
Patient Monitoring | |
GE HealthCare | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The Battery NiMH 12V 3.5Ah is a rechargeable battery that is compact with 2 sets of 5 Nickel Metal-Hydride (NiMH) cells connected in series to generate a 12 VDC and 3.5 Ah capacity. The cells are enclosed in a heat shrinkable tube and individually insulated with adhesive backed insulating paper. The battery pack includes a 4-pin connector and wires for external connection and easy termination. The rechargeable battery pack is a specially designed module for use in patient monitor systems. The battery pack is compatible to fit with Datex-Ohmeda S5, Datex-Ohmeda S5 patient monitor, Datex-Ohmeda S5CAM and other medical equipment as applicable. The nickel material used in the battery technology can be recycled, which makes it well suited for many medical applications. The product is a well proven design and a state of art technology which fits well into demanding applications. The products high quality material helps to offer reliable operation, efficient functioning and longer life span.